ふれあうだけで ~Always with you~ / It's The Right Time (触碰 ~Always with you~ / IT'S THE RIGHT TIME)专辑 曲目列表

歌曲 歌手 时长
ふれあうだけで ~Always with you~ (触碰 ~Always with you~) 三浦大知 04:04
Bring It Down 三浦大知 03:40
It's The Right Time  《寄生兽 生命的准则》TV动画片尾曲 三浦大知 03:42
ふれあうだけで ~Always with you~ / It's The Right Time (触碰 ~Always with you~ / IT'S THE RIGHT TIME)

ふれあうだけで ~Always with you~ / It's The Right Time (触碰 ~Always with you~ / IT'S THE RIGHT TIME)

发行时间 : 2014-12-03