David Lanz

David Lanz

中文名 : David Lanz 别名 : 大卫·蓝兹 国籍 : 美国 出生地 : 华盛顿 职业 : 音乐人 代表作 : 《Valencia Listen Listen Listen》、《Masque Of Togaebi Listen Listen Listen》等






《Heartsounds》帮助Narada公司进入80年代主流,并引领着蓝兹(开创了)一个辉煌的职业生涯,发行了九张最畅销的独奏专辑和三张与新世纪摇滚吉他手PaulSpeer(保罗.斯皮儿)精诚合作(的专辑)——《Natural States》(效仿平和爵士专辑《Behind theWaterfall》)、《Desert Vision》和《Bridge of Dreams》。

蓝兹的独奏录音包括代表作《Cristofori's Dream》(在Billboard的adult alternative/newage榜上雄踞27周冠军,成为永恒的白金畅销盘)、《Nightfall》、《SkylineFiredance》(一张双碟精选,以一些歌曲的钢琴改编曲目为特色,与管弦乐团一道)、《Return to theHeart》、《Christmas Eve》、《Beloved》、《Sacred Road》、现场录音《An Evening WithDavid Lanz》,以及包括《The Ultimate David Lanz NaradaCollection》和《Romantic》在内的多种“精选”的合集。

大卫还制作了一段教学用的钢琴录像——《Through the Hands of David Lanz》(1997年)。片中通过对他所钟爱的旋律的讨论、示范和表演,他展示了自己多才多艺的风格。


Lanz's goal is to have his music create an atmosphere of hope and enlightenment. In an interview with Barnes & Noble, Lanz stated that he wanted to create an atmosphere similar to that of Steven Halpern's music, but with a "more popular hook in it".[3]

Lanz has said, "[The piano] is the most divinely inspired instrument on the planet. It presents a great attraction to our left-right brain relationship. My goal is to create entertainment that also provides hope and enlightenment."

In the front of his Musicbook, The David Lanz Collection, he writes: "At the piano, I'm able to communicate in a way that is very intimate and direct. My approach at music is a bit like talking to a friend. You don't have to be very complicated when you speak. If you say what's in your heart, it's usually very simple."

Lanz's style spans the popular songbook as well. His 2009 release, "Liverpool: Re-imagining The Beatles", made with Xiao flute master Gary Stroutsos pays homage to the music of The Beatles.