

罗思容与孤毛头乐团成立于2007年,《每日》专辑中合作录音后彼此就碰撞出别具风格的火花,便兴起以罗思容的「孤毛头」一曲为团名的念头。孤毛头在客语中为小鬼头之意,罗思容与孤毛头乐团期望跳出社会规范框架的青春自在,建构一首一首具音乐主体性和交互丰饶性的乐音。罗思容与孤毛头乐团的作品以诗入乐,音乐风格细致而开阔,不仅保有台湾客家独特的质地,且深具台湾多元融合的色彩。以客家山歌为基调,并吸取北管、地方戏曲、原住民音乐等元素,植根传统并吸纳蓝调、爵士等世界音乐的曲风,带来多层次的交流对话和想像空间。曾荣获三座金曲奖的罗思容与孤毛头乐团,始终带着天地的野气,音乐不受语言束缚,也不沉迷于风格的执着,沿着内心的直觉,游荡在传统和原创之间,走出一条无以定位的迷人之路。Lo Sirong is a poet, painter and award-winning singer-songwriter from Taiwan. With a mother’s bosom and the love of a woman, she strives for a purity of soul in her music. Her lyrics celebrate the wonders of nature while pondering the joys and darkness of humanity. Lo Sirong's recorded albums: “Everyday” (2007) , “The Flowers Beckon” (2011), “More Than One” (2015) , “We Settled Here” (2018) and “Today Is A Wild Horse” (2021) have won top accolades from the Golden Melody Music Awards, Golden Indie Music Awards, the Chinese Music Awards and the Chinese Music Media Award.