Lubomír Brabec最好听的歌

歌曲 专辑 时长
Romance for Violin and Guitar in A Minor: Piu tosto largo - Amorosamente (帕格尼尼:A小调小提琴和吉他浪漫曲:广板 - 柔情地) Hudecek & Brabec Perform Paganini 03:34
Sonata for Violin and Guitar No. 3 in C Major: I. Introduzione - Prestissimo - II. Larghetto cantabile (帕格尼尼:C大调第3号小提琴和吉他奏鸣曲:第一乐章 前奏曲 - 最急板 - 第二乐章 如歌的小广板) Hudecek & Brabec Perform Paganini 04:45
Sonata for Violin and Guitar in E Minor, Op. 3, C. 6: I. Andante innocentemente - II. Allegro spiritoso (帕格尼尼:E小调小提琴和吉他奏鸣曲,作品3,C. 6:第一乐章 行板 - 第二乐章 有活力的快板) Hudecek & Brabec Perform Paganini 03:50
Gran vals Tárega: Guitar Works and Arrangements 03:07
Cantabile for Violin and Guitar in D Major, Op. 17 (帕格尼尼:D大调小提琴和吉他如歌地,作品17) Hudecek & Brabec Perform Paganini 03:31
Sonata for Violin and Guitar No. 2 in D Major - I. Adagio cantabile (D大调第2号小提琴和吉他奏鸣曲 - 第一乐章 如歌的柔板) Hudecek & Brabec Perform Paganini 03:02
Sonata for Violin and Guitar No. 1 in A Major - I. Introduzione - Larghetto - II. Tempo di marcia - Allegro maestoso (A大调第1号小提琴和吉他奏鸣曲 - 第一乐章 前奏曲 - 小广板) Hudecek & Brabec Perform Paganini 04:29
Fantasía para un gentilhombre for Guitar and Small Orchestra: I. Villano y Ricercar. Adagietto. Andante moderato Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez for Guitar and Orchestra 04:25
Sonata Concertante for Violin and Guitar in A Major, Op. 61 - III. Rondo - Allegretto con brio - Scherzando (A大调第4号小提琴和吉他协奏奏鸣曲 - 第三乐章 回旋曲 - 朝气蓬勃的小快板 - 诙谐的) Hudecek & Brabec Perform Paganini 02:30
Piacer d'amor 3 Guitars 04:33